Thursday, July 5, 2007

Commonly Confused Critter Alignments

The alignment of some monsters is easy to figure out. Faeries and other things that flutter and blow kisses (Nymphs, Pixes, Seraphs of all flavors) are all good (except Dark Faeries, of course), as are Paladins, Clerics, Priestesses, and anything that says "Light" in their name. Devils and anything that looks like a demon (Daemons, Kilrogs) are obviously evil, as is anything that says "Hell" in the name. Some others aren't so obvious.

Bats Screeching Horrors are evil, all others are neutral.

Rats Daemon Ratlings are, amazingly enough, evil. All the rest are neutral.

Snakes Hellsnakes and Baby Dragons are evil, all others are neutral.

Bees Wasp Healers are good, Evil Bees are evil (imagine that!), all others are neutral.

Imps Imp Thaumaturgists are good. Imp Necromancers and Imp Slavemasters are evil. All the rest (including Imp Kings) are neutral.

Trolls and Ogres All neutral.

Wolves and Fenri Howling Terrors and Hellhounds are evil, all others are neutral.

Furies and Other Things that Float, Screech, and Brush their Hair Furies are neutral. Ghosts, Shades, and Banshees are evil.

Minotaurs Dolus Thralls, Dolus Acolytes, Sarullian Warriors, and Sarullian Necromancers are good. Kamrian Invaders and Kamrian Druids are neutral. Uplander Drudges, Drudge Mages, Avalonians, and Avalonian Wizards are evil.

Maze Denizens Maze creatures (Gremlins, Rapscallions, and Harlequins) can be of any alignment.

Mist Creatures Champions and Ancient ones are good, Evil Minions and Warlocks are evil, Protectors, Mist Mages, Servants of the Mists, and Seekers are neutral.

Swamp Things All dragons are neutral (including the named ones like Fafnir) as are all the gooey, slimey, mucky things. All the flying skulls are evil.

Undead All evil. This includes Undead Necromancers, Liches, Crypt Keepers, Wraiths, Skeletons, Dammed Ones, Ghouls, Zombies, and Lost Sailors.

Miscellaneous NPCs Clerics, Paladins, Priestesses, Guardians, and Wizards of Light are good. Aegiscians, Medusas, Devils, and Thieves are evil. Bounty Hunters, Wardens, Warriors, and Cyclopi are neutral.

Elementals Evil.

Squirrels So abominable they make Duach himself wet his pants.

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