Thursday, July 5, 2007


We certainly use a lot of them, don't we? This isn't all of them, but it covers most. Some are more commonly used than others.

189 - An elf wizard who has reached the highest SDM level possible without Dragon Pit gear.
1k - The highest level in the game, or a character who has reached this level
201 - An elf wizard who has reached the highest SDM possible with Dragon Pit gear.
AD - Acestos Desert (area)
ADD - Acestos Deep Desert (area)
ADET - All Dexterity Elf Thief
Adm - Admantium
AEG - All Endurance Giant
AEGW - All Endurance Giant Warrior
AEGT - All Endurance Giant Thief
Aegis, Aegs, Aggies - Aegiscian(s) (monster)
AIEW - All Intelligence Elf Wizard
AMA - Anti-Magic Aura (find only spell)
AMS - Arch Mage's Shirt
AMP - Arch Mage's Pants
AO - Ancient One (mist monster)
AoA - Amulet of Adventure
AoC - Amulet of Combat or Amulet of Choking
AoChoke - Amulet of Choking
AoD - Amulet of Dexterity or Amulet of Dodging
AoDMP - Amulet of Death Magic Protection
AoE - Amulet of Endurance
AoFW - Amulet of Free Will
AoI - Amulet of Intelligence
AoS - Amulet of Strength
AR - Armor Rating
ASEW - All Strength Elf Warrior
ASHW - All Strength Human Warrior
ASG - All Strength Giant
ASGW - All Strength Giant Warrior
BC - Bonecrusher (magical club)
BD - Baby Dragon (monster)
BH - Bounty Hunter (monster)
BoB - Bracers of Battle
BoC - Belt of Carrying
BoD or BoDs - Bracers of Density or Bracers of Defense, sometimes Boots of Density
BoDef - Bracers of Defense
BoE or BoEs - Boots of Evasion
BoHPU - Belt of Holding Pants Up (a plain old belt... get it?)
BoL - Belt of Load (cursed item)
BoN or BoNs - Boots of Nimbleness
BoS - Belt of Strength
BoT or BoTs - Boots of Tripping (cursed item)
BoW - Belt of Weakness (cursed item)
BP - Backpack or build point
BPoB - Breastplate of Battle
BW - Bloodwood (area)
CF - Caer Fandry (town)
Champ - Champion (mist monster)
CK - Crypt Keeper (monster)
CoD - Church of Damnation (cave)
CoI - Cowl of Immortality
CM - Codemasters (former game owners)
CS - Critical Strike
DC - Duach's Crystal (used to cast Duach's Vengeance one time)
DD - (Acestos) Deep Desert (usually called ADD)
DF - Dark Fleshie
DF - Devon Forest (area)
DG - Dark Gauntlet (Duach's Temple cave)
DK - Daemon King (monster)
DP - Dragon Pit (dungeon)
DR - Death Raffle (trading term)
DT - Death Touch (spell) or Duach's Thorn (weapon)
DV - Drear Valley (area) or Duach's Vengeance (Find only "god" spell)
DW - Death Wish (Necromancy spell) or Despothes' Wrath (Find only "god" spell)
EA - Executioner's Axe
EB - Enid's Blessing (Find only "god" spell)
EF - Electric Fury (Elementalism spell)
EF - Emerald Forest (area)
EH - Event Host
EJ - Elphame's Justice (Find only "god" spell)
EL - East Leinster (town)
Elem - Elemental (monster, they come in 4 flavors: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air)
EM - Evil Minion (mist monster)
EN - Enid's Needle (weapon)
ESH - Enid's Safe Haven (cave)
Faf - Fafnir (really big dragon)
Fin - Finvarra (god of war) or the various magical items associated with him
FF - Finvarra's Fist or Fafnir's Fang (weapons)
FHP - Festering Hate Pool (cave)
FoD - Forest of Death (area)
FQ - Faery Queen (monster that can also be summoned to fight for a player)
Fufu - Fuloran (monster)
FWH - Female Warrior's Helm
GBoN or GBoNs - "Glowie" Boots of Nimbleness
GBoT or GBoTs - "Glowie" Boots of Tripping (cursed item, that people still want)
GH - Greater Hives (cave)
GM - Game Moderator (any game staff)
GoF - Greaves of Fortitude
GoM - Girdle of Might
GoW - Gust of Wind (Level 3 find-only Elementalism spell)
Grem - Gremlin (maze monster)
GTrib - Glowie Tribune Helm
GVik - Glowie Viking Helm
GWC - Glowie Wizard's Cap
Harl, Harlie, Harly - Harlequin (maze monster)
HG - Hunter Green (Level 1000 baldric)
HoC - Helm of the Conqueror
HoD - Helm of Defense or Head of Death (Implementor only spell)
HoEN - Helm of Nourishment
HoF - Helm of the Fianna (often just called a Fianna)
HoI - Helm of Intelligence
HoK - Helm of the Khan
HoN - Helm of Nourishment
HoP - Helm of the Predator
HoS - Hood of Shifting
HoZ - Helm of the Berserker
HP - Health points
HS - Hell Snake (monster)
IC - Imp City (cave) or Ironwood Cudgel (weapon)
IH - Imp Haven (cave)
IK - Imp King (monster)
Ill Foe - Illusionary Foe (find-only spell)
JBB - Jelly Bean Bag (old GM drop item)
JBB w/ JB - Jelly Bean Bag with the jelly beans still inside
JoL - Jack O'Lantern (also known as "Jacko")
JoS - Judgment of the Scepter (Despothes' Temple cave)
KF - Killing Fields (area)
KK - King Kilrog (monster)
Lab - Labyrinth (cave)
LF - Light Fleshie
LH - Lesser Hives (cave)
LL - Life Leech (sword)
MD - Mass Drain (Necromancy spell)
MDF - Medium Dark Fleshie
MDM - Melee Damage Modifier
MF - Medium Fleshie (seldom used, usually just "Fleshie")
MFF - Mabon's Forced Flee (Find only "god" spell)
MH - Mage Hat
MoM - Master of the Maze (maze monster)
MM - Magic Mail, Magic Mace, Middle Man (trading, mostly replaced by "MP") Mist Mage (mist monster) or sometimes Monmouth (town)
MMB - Maze Master's Baldric
MP - Middle Person (trading)
MW - Middle Woman (trading, mostly replaced by "MP")
MWH - Male Warrior's Helm
Myth - Mythril
NB - Natural Brown
NG - Norsemen Games (they own the Realm)
NH - North Havenwood
NL - North of Leinster (area, now known as North Havenwood)
NMH - Nightmare Helm
NS - Night Soul
NW - Natural White (very bright white)
Obs - Obsidianate
OE - Odin's Edge (weapon)
OoE - Orb of Extension
OoGH - Orb of Greater Healing
OoH - Orb of Holding or Orb of Healing
OoI - Orb of Immolation
OoTP - Orb of Teleportation
OoW - Orb of Wind
Pallie, Pally - Paladin (monster)
PP - Pickpocket
PoI - Plate of Invulnerability
PR - Perfect Rose (Used to cast Enid's Blessing)
Prot - Protector (mist monster)
PvE - Player vs. Environment (seldom used on Realm)
PvP - Player vs. Player
Rap - Rapscallion (maze monster)
RoD - Ring of Dexterity or Ring of Destruction
RoDex - Ring of Dexterity
RoE - Ring of Endurance
RoEN - Ring of Eternal Nourishment
RoG - Ring of Gender (unimplemented)
RoI - Ring of Intelligence
RoP - Ring of Power
RoU - Ring of Ugliness
RP - Roleplay or Royal Purple (Level 500 baldric)
RR - Ratling Run (area)
SB - Silverbrook (town), sometimes Spellbook
Scroll Haven - Imp Haven
SDM - Spell Damage Modifier
SH - South Havenwood (area)
SL - Storyline
SoIT - Shield of Infinite Thought
SoM - Servant of the Mists (big nasty monster)
SoT - Sword of Tiwaz
SS - Sandstorm (Level 3 find-only Elementalism spell)
SSR - Skill System Revamp
Targ's - Targoth's Tomb (cave)
TB - Thieves' Blade (sword)
TCowl - Thuriasz Cowl
TH - Thieves' Hole, sometimes Troll Haven or Troll Hideaway (caves)
TL - Troll Leather
TMMB - Tan Maze Master's Baldric
ToS - Test of Souls (Enid's Temple cave)
TS - Tempered Steel
TSash - Thistlebark Sash
Uppy - Uplander's Helm
USH - Undead Stronghold (cave)
VE - Vulcan Edge (sword)
ViH - Village Idiot's Hat
WH - West Havenwood
WH - Wizard's Hat
WL - West Leinster (town)
WoG - Wrath of the Gods (Thaumaturgy spell)
WoZ - Wand of Berzerk
WV - Wexfordshire Valley (area)
YMMB - Yellow Maze Master's Baldric

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