Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Marvin's Magic Superstore

Marvin is a shopkeeper located inside the Labyrinth. He sells magical items, potions, and scrolls not available elsewhere, and hideously inflated prices. You can kill Marvin by cursing him to start the fight, but wait until you're done with your shopping to take your vengeance. Alas, he doesn't drop your gold when he dies.

Directions to Marvin's Superstore:
Drune, 1 up, 17 left from the teleporter, in Bloodwood.

  • From Entrance: 2L, take the stairs.
  • Follow the dungeon as it winds Left and Up until you come to the second staircase (the one with a torch on the screen). Take the stairs.
  • Follow the dungeon to the right until you can go no further and then go 2U to the room with the torch.
  • Go 1L and take the stairs.
  • Go 1R and pull the lever.
  • Pull the lever in the room you just appeared in.
  • Go 1D and pull the lever.
  • Go 1U and 1R, pull the lever.
  • Pull the lever in the room you just appeared in.
  • Go 1U and say hello to Marvin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was actually looking for this in game the other night, wished I had seen thiswebsite then. Keep up the great work! = Valagar