Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Identifying Stuff without ID - Jewelry

Here's what shopkeepers will give you for various items of jewelry before they're ID'ed.


Copper - 25
Engagement - 250
Wedding - 750
Expensive Wedding Ring - 7,500
Royal Wedding Ring - 15,000

Eternal Nourishment - 1,000
Dexterity - 1,250
Endurance - 1,250
Strength - 1,250
Regeneration - 1,500
Intelligence - 1,750

Ugliness - 50
Weakness - 50
Slowness - 50
Stupidity - 50
Clumsiness - 50
Gender - 250

Rings of Power and Rings of Destruction only drop from named dragons, either in Dragon Pit, or Grafvitnir, who roams aboveground in the swamp. RoPs always drop blue, and RoDs always drop red.


Endurance - 1,500
Dexterity - 1,500
Strength - 1,500
Dodging - 2,000
Grounding - 2,500
Cold Protection - 2,500
Fire Protection - 2,500
Free Will - 2,500
Combat - 2,500
Intelligence - 2,500
Death Magic Protection - 3,500
Retention - 5,000

Vulnerability - 150
Choking - 150
Clumsiness - 150
Stupidity - 150
Weakness - 150

Amulet of Adventure, again, only drop from those same named dragons.

Magical Amulets
(Always drop as "Magical Amulet")

Level 30 (+5%) - 1000
Level 60 (+10%) - 2000
Level 100 (+ 15%) - 4000
Level 140 (+20%) - 8000
Level 190 (+25%) - 16,000
Level 240 (+30%) - 25,000
Level 300 (+35%) - 30,000
Level 360 (+40%) - 37,500

Yeah, that's 1/5th of Marvin's selling price. All the more reason you should kill the old robber baron every time you're done with your shopping there. Too bad he never drops any of your gold back.


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